Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Politics And Progress The Emergence Of American...
Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science by Dennis Mahoney is an account of the origins of contemporary political science in the Progressive Movement. In the book, Mahoney, attempts to show how American political science came to be due to the influence of three different factors. The first factor is German Historicism and its allgemeine Staatslehre, or general State theory. The second factor is philosophical pragmatism and the final factor is political Progressivism. Mahoney also writes about how the new American political science has turned away from political philosophy and the laws of nature described by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. In the conclusion of the book, Mahoney points out a flaw of the modern political science by stating, â€Å" Nothing in political science as it was taught and practiced in America provided or recognized a standard against which these acts (totalitarianism) of national self-determination and these expr essions of the state will in their respective societies could be tried and found wanting.†In short, Mahoney is saying that the core concepts that helped shape American political science, can not prove that dictatorship governments are not healthy governments. The first factor that helped is German Historicism. Mahoney lays the foundation of German political science and states that not only did it influence American political ideas but was a model and even a starting point. German science ofShow MoreRelatedIs The Discrimination Against Women? Politics A Myth Or Is It Reality?1608 Words  | 7 PagesIs the discrimination against women in politics a myth or is it reality? 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